Saturday, January 5, 2008

University Uniform

Long ago, there was a time, when parents told children to read slowly and loudly to understand everything they read. A lot of things have changed. Today's children have bigger syllabi to learn. Now, learning experts and teachers ask students to read faster and grasp important points.

Your timetable should have separate time for eating, playing games, exercise, reading newspaper and study materials. You should not only make a timetable, but also should stick to it. Give priority to leisure and games in the afternoon, but separate early morning time for studies. Make sure you read all the class notes before you go to bed.

While allotting time to different subjects, allot more time to difficult subjects. You need only less time for the subjects that are easier for you to learn. Taking notes is an important part of learning. You need to take lecture notes (classroom notes) and notes from your textbook.

Go through the lessons on the day before your teacher would teach it in the class. This gives you an idea of what to expect. Write down important ideas as bullet points. One word or a phrase is enough to include an idea. Give prominence to important ideas by underlining them in your notes.

Leave lot of space in each face of paper. This will help you add new points later.Organize your notes into separate files. Each subject should have a different file. Label the outer page of the file with name of the subject and your teacher. You should also neatly organize each file according to chapters and topics.Read the notes (important points) in the night, before going to bed. Read only once. This helps you memorize the lessons clearly.

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